Thursday, September 15, 2011

A bit about the rest of Saturday and on to Sunday, August 21.

About Saturday after we left Cars in the Park, somewhat tired and definitely thirsty, we walked over to Director Park and Violetta where I had a cold glass of lemonade, Milton had a margarita and Kay had some sangria. From past knowledge, I knew that mine would be good, but Milton and Kay took a chance; turned out their drinks were just wet and cold. Anyway, still tired and somewhat hot due to lots of great sunshine in downtown Portland, I suggested that we ride the MAX out to the end of the line and back, then get sandwiches from Subway and take them on home to eat. Well, we made it about 30 minutes on the MAX out towards Hillsboro, got off and rode back so that after we got our sandwiches at Subway and rode the bus home, we walked into the apartment just in time to catch the Saints' game. Unfortunately, Houston beat them 27-14. Rats. But the evening turned out to be just fine because Leland and Kailey came to visit! It was fun being with the two of them and Milton and Kay. Lots of fun. I am blessed.

Here are the photos I took as we waited in line at the Screen Door for Sunday morning brunch, as I watched the kitchen from our table, and as our food appeared on the table. Mighty good food, I might add. Mighty good Southern food. We knew that would be the case because we also ate brunch there in May, 2007, on Kay and Milton's first visit to Portland. That knowledge, plus people-watching, made the 20-30 minute wait fly right by.

Busy, busy kitchen.

My breakfast of scrambled eggs, grits, biscuits and potatoes. Oh, and you can see what's left of my first-ever Bloody Mary--spicy goodness. That big glass of iced tea helped cool me off. I couldn't finish all of that delicious food, but every bite I did eat was so fine.

Milton's scramble with toast and grits and a side order of bacon. I cannot remember which scramble he got, though, but he enjoyed it.

Kay's fried chicken with biscuit and gravy and potatoes. She ate all she could, then Milton ate some of it.

Speaking of fried chicken, it's also served atop a waffle. Very popular brunch dish at the Screen Door.

Now for a few more photos.
The Screen Door's sign--I like that yellow and blue. And the part of the line of folks already there when we walked up--about 80 ahead of us.

Flowers we saw on our walk home.

These roses are on the sidewalk to my building's front door.

Once back inside the apartment, we settled in for an afternoon of getting the laundry done and watching NASCAR. Kay and I ended up washing and drying four loads between us. We sort of watched the race, not too excited about it though because that dadgum Kyle Busch won. Anyway, I managed to talk Milton and Kay into letting me make some tuna salad for supper, and then we watched "Secretariat" on NetFlix. A nice afternoon and evening.

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