Saturday, November 03, 2007

Fall Fun, Flat Stanley Style! Part One

Flat Stanley wanted me to tell you right off that he wishes you'd take a look at Portland (OR) Daily Photo so you can see and read about his encounter with a Benson Bubbler!


The Saturday before Halloween, Flat Stanley, Mama and I headed out of Portland to Tualatin, a nearby town. We'd been told the fresh-pressed apple cider at Lee Farms, as well as the cider doughnuts, were worth the short drive.


On the porch of the store, stacked hay bales made the perfect spot to snap a quick photo.


Here's that apple cider, so delicious that we bought a half gallon to take on home with us. Sorry, the doughnuts didn't pause long enough between the counter and our lips for a photo. Suffice it to say, their reputation is well deserved.


Here's another place we'll need to go back, Flat Stanley says. Wonder if they'll have hot apple cider for sale in the store?


Isadora said...

:) Flat Stanley is getting around!! Can I visit you too? I'm not as photogenic thought.

Kerri Farley said...

Yum Yum! I've never heard of cider doughnuts. Flat Stanley seems to be enjoying himself!

Web-OJ said...

Fat Stanley shouldn't be eating those donuts. Glad YOU resisted the temptation.