Do these guys know that they're at NASCAR's longest track, 2.66 miles around? Yep, they do. Individualism rocks for NASCAR fans!

No wondering where we are! Here's the sign to prove it. Oh, joy!

This is where we're going!

Tire trouble on the track led to a trip down Pit Road. That's T.J. Bell's Toyota.

The pit crew works on changing the two right-side tires.

The back tire's finished while work continues on the front wheel. See the child on the seat at the back of the pit box? His ticket hanging around his neck is almost as big as he is! And I think that woman to the right in front of him has on a red-devil-horns-headband!

Bell's Toyota won't start, so two of his crew push it down pit road--they're already two pit spaces away from theirs. Taylor Malsams' #81 rolled into his pit, making for close quarters. Bell's crew look to their right, hoping for a break in the traffic on pit road so that they can get him out onto it as Malsam's crew puts gasoline into the truck and one guy makes an adjustment of some sort there at the back window, probably in the wedge. Here's some info about wedge, from NASCAR's glossary: Refers to the relationship from corner-to-corner of the weight of the race vehicle. Increasing the weight on any corner of the vehicle affects the weight of the other three corners in direct proportion. Weight adjustments are made by turning "weight jacking screws" mounted on each corner with a ratchet. A typical adjustment for a "loose" car would be to increase the weight of the left rear corner of the vehicle, which decreases the weight of the left front and right rear corners and increases the weight of the right front. A typical adjustment for a "tight" vehicle would be to increase the weight of the right rear corner, which decreases the weight of the right front and left rear and increases the weight of the left front.
Anyway, the truck race is on!
By the way, over at Portland Oregon Daily Photo there's a spectacular photo of the Hawthorne Bridge that I think you'll really like!