Friday, May 30, 2008

Here's part of why I'm so late posting today ...

Portland's Rose Festival started last night, with the opening of the Waterfront Village, a sort of state fair/carnival. I got off the bus after work, intending to take a few photos and catch another bus home. When I saw Dale Earnhardt Jr.'s #88 and found out that admission was free, I decided to roam around, taking photos and waiting to get my photo taken beside the car.
Here I stand with a young member of the National Guard, right beside the car, still able to smell the exhaust fumes. Yes, friends, another man from Hendrix Racing started that baby and gunned the motor several times. Mighty fine loud sound! I loved it!

After about five hours, I got home, too tired to blog. I hope that some of the photos I took will be neat enough to share.

1 comment:

momom said...

Oh, Lawz! Look at you. Please tell me that Duncan is not in that rolling bag, all zipped up!

I had you pictured in my mind with short hair, from one of the older photos of yourself.

That NASCAR stuff doesn't interest me one little hoot, but look at you by the car! (Those racing folks are from around here in our state.)

I love your vintage car photos more than anything! Especially since we're about the same age. I really love it when you reminisce about old boyfriends. If only I was still the hot looker I used to be. Men run from me now, ha ha. (Except for my husband. He's gotten just as un-hot looking as I have, and we have fun being "old furts". He's on his way to Alaska today with our 25 yr. old son and 27 yr old daughter and her husband for a vacation. White water rafting, geocaching, touristy things. I want to go so badly, but alas, am prepping up for my total knee replacement in the coming weeks. Bah.

Mo Mamma! Mo food! Mo Duncan! Mo people doing their normal life activities around town. Mo mass transit! He he. LOVE YOUR DAILY PICS AND COMMENTARY. I'll be recuperating from the surgery with my laptop. I'm hoping you'll continue to entertain me and "take me places".