Friday, June 13, 2008

This creeps me out!

As I stood on the west bank of the Willamette, shooting those photos of the tall ships, different things kept catching my eye, up on the Marquam Bridge. When I realized what this was, I thought, "Yuck! Flattened vehicles! On an flat-bed truck!" Snap. Not exactly what someone with a fear of bridges wants to see on the northbound interstate, top level of an extremely high bridge over the Willamette, let me tell you.

1 comment:

momom said...

Flattened vehicles on a flatbed truck. So where's Flat Stanley. If he were here, it would make a nice ABC pic for "F".

The pic illustrates how we are all going somewhere, all directions...but in the end it's all about the scrap heap. So we'd better have fun on the way. I'm having fun. Thanks.