Then I walked past it, avoiding the drips, and shot this from the other side. The white streak in the dark sky is a falling drop!

Now it's 32 degrees, so things might freeze back before too long. I'm still pretty doggone tired, but I had much, much better commuter luck today. It took not quite an hour to get to work and the same to get home, although I did have to walk the last six blocks up Burnside, after I stopped at Fred Meyer to get a few things--I shop often because I can't take much home at once, walking.
To tell the truth, I couldn't face the last, steepest block--I cut across the edge of the Walgreens lot, beside the Subway, so that I could walk on a more level surface now that some of the almost knee-deep snow had been packed down and/or melted into slippery slush. So, I don't have a Wednesday photo of the sidewalk, shot with Burnside at my back. Maybe I'll get out on Christmas Day and see what it looks like.
Here's photo emblematic of the attitude I made every effort to keep in the forefront, since it started snowing on Dec. 14--get a grip, Lynette! It's just snow! Exciting, tiring, beautiful at first, dirty at last, truly unreal amounts of snow!

Finally, here is the car parked across from the kitchen window, taken a couple of hours ago. Can you tell that the temperature got above freezing today, just looking at it?

Merry Christmas! Happy Holidays!
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