You'll get to see this little beauty in action later on.

OK, you also need to know that I don't cook out, grill, or smoke food. I eat out. That's it. (Of course, I cook at home, in the kitchen, then I eat in.) So I cannot remember for sure what this is, but I believe it's a smoker, and maybe it could be a grill, depending where and what you put in it to create the heat. (If I weren't in a time zone that often means Milton and Kay are already asleep when I need to ask them a question, I'd call one of them right up and find out for sure.)

Out comes the ladder.

Good thing curiosity didn't take out the doggie 'cause Tinkerbell's some kind of curious, standing at the backdoor, lookin' in to see what's coming out next.

She's a blur, just to the right of the golf cart 'cause she's seen Milton take a seat and put the key in so that he can start it and drive it down the ramp. Also to the right of the golf cart, you can see boxes of bottled water, a yellow plastic jug that I think holds cooking oil for that Cajun Fryer, either Kay or Ian's golf clubs, a white plastic table folded in half, a whole bunch of extension cord, and no telling what else.

A second later, and she's in one of her all-time favorite spots, with her beloved Milton talking to her. See the blue baskets behind them? That's the something free from the Fred’s Store in McComb, Mississippi.. Later on you'll see them in action.

Looks like Tinkerbell's concerned about the golf cart's descent, with Milton at the wheel.

The golf cart's on the ground. Tinkerbell's the picture of innocence. Looks like she's thinking, "Me, a side-seat driver? Nah."

Time for an exercise break for Tinkerbell and Ian!
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