Continuing to ready the toy hauler for our comfortable living space, Milton pulls out the awning--we're certain rain will return.

Ian and Milton continue to secure the awning's support system. Without these arms, we'd have to crawl beneath it and into the door.

The final step, from atop the stepladder which rode over to Talladega beneath the golf cart in the back of the toy hauler.
Standing in the bed of the pickup, Ian handed one of the gas tanks to Milton. This gas will be used for cooking while we're camped here.

To keep us from tracking bits of grass and/or mud into the trailer, Milton puts down a tarp.

Ian opens one of the collapsible trash cans.

Ian's working on his sleeping arrangements, up in the roof over the back end of the toy hauler.

Kay's a Jeft Gordon fan--#24!

Ian and Kay setting up one of the tables in front of a built-in couch.

The table is ready now. See the line to the left of the table legs? That is actually the same color as the rest of the carpet, as well as being a bit higher than the regular floor. It is the floor of the slide out, the one with the two built-in couches in it.

Wrapping up some Corky's ribs, readying them for the oven. We ended up eating ribs, shrimp and barbecued beef for supper.

Shrimp for later.

Kay had made this barbecued beef at home. It tasted great in Talladega!
After I downloaded some photos onto my thumb drive and plugged in the battery charger so that the used battery would be ready for the next day, I hit the hay. No photos of that, though.
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