Friday, July 04, 2008

Friday, July 4, 2008 ... Fireworks

Happy 4th of July!

5-30-2008 fireworks wide
Leland's girlfriend Kailey took these at the Rose Festival in June, from the Hawthorne Bridge looking north. She graciously e-mailed them to me, and I saved them for the 4th of July! Thanks, Kailey.
I just might make it to the fireworks on the Willamette tonight, with my tripod. We'll see--if I eat too much of the guys' good grilled meat and veggies, I might opt to go home and watch the fireworks from Vancouver, WA, on the TV. They're expecting thousands and thousands of people downtown to see them, and much the same number in Vancouver at theirs.





1 comment:

momom said...

Thanks to Kailey for these pics. I knew I could count on your blog for some fireworks, even if they are from June. A downpour and thunder hit around 9 PM for our Fourth celebrations here. I couldn't go anyway, since I'm still in the earlier healing phase of the knee thing. Boy am I getting tired of this!

Last 4th of July my husband and I were out and about seeing the fireworks.

Insomnia is ruling my night. It's 3:30 AM.